Many 3d offices and individuals have folders filled with 3d objects ready to be put to action. Custom asset browsers, databases, tools and plugins are available for accessing these objects. But what happens when the quality of the objects isn’t that good (anymore)? It is a lot of work to check every file by hand. I call this: asset-rot. No sweat! I present the Asset Mass Analyzer!
This script can analyze entire folders of max-objects in one go. It will give you a list of materialnames and classes, objectnames, pivotpoint positions. Extra analyses can of course be added. Besides this structural analysis, the objects can be rendered automatically as well. A camera is centered around the object and zoomed in. The objects also can be rendered within your favourite “studio”. That’s a set of rendering settings with a custom environment.
The output of this is a textfile with thumbnails. Use this to plan maintenance and delegate the tasks. Run the tool again to check if the work has been done correctly: save time!
Warning: this script adjusts the general gamma-setting in order to render the thumbnails correctly. This is an issue I’m working on.

Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
i think that it wil bee nice if you integrate it to the Materilarium script that way it wil be a material and objects librery (im a novice in scripting so im just asking 😉 )
Hi Agreb,
That’s a nice idea. A small part is already integrated, but i can imagine that a more extensive analysis of a material-library is very useful.