Renderitis is ready to be shipped. It’s a first public version which supports the scanline renderer in 3dsMax 2010. I know that’s pretty limited, but it’s a solid base to start supporting more render-engines and more maxversions in the future. For those who missed it, and I’m assuming many of you did, I’ll explain what renderitis is.
Renderitis is an open system to store render-presets for 3dsMax. Within the script you can view and edit presets before applying them. Presets are stored in xml which is an open file-format as opposed to the native 3dsMax presets. I’ve been developing this script for a long time and have stripped all the bells and whistles. I’d like to add these over the next period. Future features I’ve got planned are:
- multiple-user/studio mode. Share a single preset across multiple users over a network
- rights-management: some users may edit a preset, others can only view and apply the preset
- support for more renderengines and maxversions
- support for 3dsMax environment settings
Read more about the development of this script in a few other posts on my blog:
The code is actually pretty well documented, so I invite you to take a peek and tell me what you think!
Download and unzip the script. Run the mzp-file by dragging it on your viewport or by running hte mzp-file from the maxscript-menu. The script consists of many script files, icons and xml-files. These are stored in the userscripts directory.